Monday, April 21, 2008

Where the hell have you been, young lady?!

I feel as if I've neglected this rant-o-rama room.
It's not that I haven't been pissed off enough to post things. Oh, I've been pissed off. Horribly so.
I've just been too fucking tired to articulate the depth of hatred I feel for the asshattery of late.
I imagine things won't slow down again until June, at which time I will no longer be wasting my time and money being treated like some truant middle schooler at a certain supposed institution for higher learning.
Then I'll take my time and money to a school that's more into treating people like the working adults they are. But I won't even do that until at least the fall, if not next spring. And when I do, there's no way in hell I'm going to try taking classes full time while working full time. Fuck that shit. Fuck it hardcore.
Lesson. Learned.

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