Monday, April 21, 2008

This is news?!

Seems like it's feast or famine, eh? In any case, let's get on with it.

Seriously, CNN? Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

This is news? And from a senior writer, no less? That shit is not what I should see on the front fucking page of your website. Ever.

Besides the fact that you went for an easy bullshit piece about moms, who apparently are the standard easy-to-write-about subset of Americans, who the fuck is this NOT happening to besides the rich? What a fucking cop-out. CNN just disappoints more and more every day.

This isn't news. It's happening to everyone. What the fuck makes moms so goddamn special? Why not just make it about poor people in general; you know, the ones who are being hit the hardest by this economic down turn? Why not make it about the struggling (and shrinking) middle class? Why not a story about how the eldery on fixed incomes are trying to deal with the higher prices of everything? Moms? That's the best you lazy sons of bitches could do?
This is a goddamn special interest piece.
A lame one, at that.
I don't begrudge CNN the story, but I am annoyed that it's on the front fucking page, with breaking news. Why the fuck should I care that moms have to make their own detergent to save money any more than I care about everyone else in the entire country that might be doing the same thing?

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