Friday, February 15, 2008

Certified Morons

Pop quiz, people.
You're driving on I-495 (Outer loop of Washington DC) on your way to work. The speed limit is 50 in the construction zones and 55 elsewhere. 85-90% of the traffic is actually driving 70 miles per hour. There are four lanes.
You feel like going 60-65 mph. Which lane should you be in?

If you say anything other than the far right, you're a certified fucking moron!

I drive this corridor every weekday. People fail this quiz every weekday.

If you drive with your blinker on for more than 30-45 seconds and you don't actually do what your blinker is warning people your'e about to do, you're a certified fucking moron.
If you drive with your blinker on for 5-10 minutes while you're going down a road on which there are no places to turn, you should have your car keys taken away and they should be used to beat you about the head and shoulders for the same amount of time you drove with your blinker needlessly lit.

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